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overcrowded city中文是什么意思

用"overcrowded city"造句"overcrowded city"怎么读"overcrowded city" in a sentence


  • 挤集型城市


  • Tokyo is an overcrowded city
  • Traffic in japan ' s overcrowded cities has rarely moved so easily
  • The fresh air and beautiful scenery will attract people to leave the overcrowded city
  • It is fair to say that they are a place of recreation and relaxation for tokyo , an overcrowded city which continues to move with massive energy
  • In a world with an increasing potential for the rapid spread of pathogens ? overcrowded cities , high mobility ? the role of efficient infectious disease task forces can therefore not be overestimated
    当今世界,病毒快速传播的潜在威胁正在不断加大? ?过度拥挤的城市,高度的流动性? ?高效防治传染病特别工作组具有极其重要的作用。
  • In a world with an increasing potential for the rapid spread of pathogens ? overcrowded cities , high mobility ? the role of efficient infectious disease task forces can therefore not be overestimated
    在这个世界上,因病原体迅速传播而引发的潜在威胁越来越多? ?过度拥挤的城市,高度的流动性? ?传染病的高效特遣部队这一角色不能轻易忽视。
  • Hundreds of mosques ? many of which are masterpieces of islamic architecture , old neighborhoods with houses boxed together , huge apartment buildings on the outskirts and the nile calmly running through it ; all are part of this overcrowded city
    数百座清真寺? ?其中许多是伊斯兰建筑的精华,紧紧挤在一起的的老街区,郊外巨大的公寓楼群,静静流淌的尼罗河穿城而过? ?所有这些组成了这座过于拥挤的城市。
  • In my travels , i have been startled by the bursting , overcrowded cities i have seen in many parts of the world . great cities like sao paulo and mexico city , jakarta and manila and cairo . cities where overpopulation and pollution threaten the health and welfare of nations and regions
  • It laid the basis for much of our prosperity for the next 150 years . but it also threw up huge problems , many of which we did not deal with well : an increasing gap between rich and poor , problems of labour conditions , rights and relations ; overcrowded cities and social upheaval as people moved off the land ; a rapid rise in pollution and environmental degradation
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